fredag 30 september 2011

Ett fantastiskt minne

Jag hade n�stan aldrig kollat p� fotboll n�r jag best�mde mig f�r att k�pa en fotbollsresa i present till min man, till det fantastiska Camp Nou i Spanien! Det var El Clasico som g�llde, s� jag b�rjade kika p� fotbollsresor i god tid f�r att vara s�ker p� att vi skulle f� en bra plats p� l�ktaren och ett bra boende, f�r det kunde man ocks� v�lja med om man valde ett paket. I och med att jag k�nde att det var mest bekv�mt s� gjorde jag det, och det blev jag riktigt n�jd med d� det hotell som vi bodde p� var riktigt fint och �nd� prisv�rt! Matchen i sig kan man inte j�mf�ra med n�got annat, fr�n �vre l�ngsida nj�t vi av en match i �kta katalansk anda, n�got som jag inte kan j�mf�ra med n�got annat som jag har varit med om. Det var helt fantastiskt d�r!


vandrarhem stockholm gärdet

�ka iv�g

Jag har h�rt att Dublin ska vara en riktigt fin stad att vara i, s� jag har faktiskt t�nkt att jag ska f�rs�ka att kl�mma in en weekend i Dublin i h�st. Det vore in helt fel! Dessutom s� kan man f� tag i r�tt s� bra priser p� s�dana resor om man bara ser till att kika p� internet, s� det ska jag se till att g�ra. D� s� kan jag nog �ven f� tag i ett bra boende d�r ocks�, f�r jag vill ha ett hotell som ligger bra till i stan. S� att jag har n�rheten till allt.


båt vandrarhem stockholm

Guest Post: Street ?Harassment?

GenderWhile the politics around the pronoun ?he? have not often spilled over into violence or lead to the sort of grinding inability to compromise that can cripple a nation, the issue does make for an elegant illustration of the Orwellianism and unconstructiveness of the feminist impulse.

?He? ? a word of two simple letters ? becomes sexist when used in reference to an hypothetical member of mixed-gender group. For instance, ?A leader should be decisive. He should not hesitate.? Here the word ?he? becomes sexist because it reinforces the patriarchal notion that any leader is necessarily a man.

Fair enough, logically speaking. Practically, however, we are left with a mess. The English language has no gender-neutral third-person pronoun. ?He or she? is unwieldy and ?they? is grammatically incorrect. Many writers stick with ?he? but seem to feel that an explanation or apology are necessary, which in turn wastes ink and contributes to the genocide of trees.

And this is your feminism, Orwellian-control language to control minds, and to destroy the status quo while offering nothing reasonable to take its place.

Because of these tendencies in feminism, I am more than a little creeped out by the Stop Street Harrassment movement. On the surface it all seems reasonable enough. Women should have equal access to public space. Crotch grabbing, groping, whistling, indecent exposure, and sexual comments are disincentives to a woman who would like to mind her own business out in the day-to-day world.

Fine. Common decency should be a common thing. And educating women about their right to stand up for themselves when they feel that they are being violated is a step toward true equality in our society. However, if the movement against ?street harassment? follows the usual feminist pattern, we will end up with a more severe marginalization of the sexually happy man than we have seen so far.

A 50 y/o man, sitting with his pals, ogled a student on campus. I said ?that?s harassment and it hurts women.? He said ?oh, sorry??

This is a feminist telling the story, in less than 140 characters, of how she ?called out a street harasser.? To a red blooded man, this line sounds like the distant rumbling of cannons. To a man who is suspicious of feminism, it is a valise overstuffed with hostility. Let?s rummage through these words and see what we can find.

  • ?A 50 y/o man.? Ageist. Plain and simple. Either the behavior is acceptable or it isn?t. The age of the actor is irrelevant, unless of course you want to play up the ?creepiness? of the behavior.
  • But more to the point, this is sexism. It is ordinary for a 50-year-old man to want to look at an attractive woman, just as it is ordinary for a 90-year-old man who still has most of his wits. To imply an age limit to a man?s ordinary natural behavior is arbitrary rule making ? a gender specific control tactic no less sexist than saying that women should wear skirts and not pants.

    But of course, our feminist in question is only guessing at the man?s age. For all we know, he could be 30 but look 50. This hints at the possibility of looksism, but let?s move on.

  • ?Sitting with his pals? Why include this detail? Probably, the implication is that men in groups are more intimidating than when they are alone. But groups of men come in countless varieties. This could have been three graduate students from the computer science department, as intimidating as a box of kittens. We don?t know. That this detail of ?sitting with his pals? is tossed in so easily without further comment underlines the fact that the group?s scare factor is a foregone conclusion. It is readily assumed that any group of men is intimidating.
  • ?Ogled? Use of this word is the most glaringly totalitarian part of this Tweet. A man may look at a woman and it?s generally obvious that he is doing so, but whether he is ?ogling? that woman is a judgement call and a matter so vague that proscriptions against it create a chilling effect on looking in general. To disallow ?ogling? has the same effect as disallowing the male gaze in its entirety. And that?s the point. It is a direct goal of feminism to eradicate the male gaze. This goal is part of the overall agenda of marginalizing the happily sexual man. Because of this I am adding ?ogle? to my list of alert words. Along with ?creepy? and ?uncomfortable? the word ?ogle? will now and forever trigger my subtext detectors.
  • ?I said ?that?s harassment and it hurts women.?? In case it isn?t clear, the object of Stop Street Harassment is to confront men who are judged to be harassing. It?s a fantastic sentiment. Our free society is at its best when people talk to each other about things, no matter how contentious the subject. I fully encourage women everywhere to tell men in public when they feel they are being violated. The sexes will never have equality so long as women accept equal privileges but dodge equal responsibility.
  • The problem here is that something is being eliminated and nothing is being offered to take its place. Just as with the pronoun ?he,? men will be left to create makeshift stand-ins for something that can never go away ? mating behavior.

  • Finally, let?s think about this: ?He said ?oh, sorry??
  • Just a word to the wise, guys. Don?t do this. If you?re looking at a pretty woman and a feminist tells you to knock it off, remember that you are a man, biologically and immutably wired to evaluate a woman based on her looks. Seeing a beautiful female creates a pleasure response in your body, not unlike the smell of grilled meat. This is a biological fact and it?s nothing to apologize for.

    Rather, require the feminist to explain her reasoning. Maybe she?s right. Maybe you?re being an ass. But the burden of proof lies with her. And she?s as likely to be shaming you for the sake of it as anything else.

    Related posts:

    1. Guest Post: (Hot) Girls and Hostels
    2. Guest Post: Pay Me To Date Me
    3. Guest Post: Zeno?s Crazy Chick Story
    4. Guest Post: Jacques? Basic Rules Of Style
    5. Guest Post: The Entrepreneurial Spirit


billiga vandrarhem i stockholm

torsdag 29 september 2011


Vill man kolla in lite olika hotell p� Mallorca eftersom man ska �ka dit i h�st s� kan man ju h�ra runt med sl�kt och v�nner, f�r att se om de kanske kan rekommendera n�got boende, om de har varit d�r tidigare. Annars f�r man s�ka sig fram p� n�tet.


vandrarhem stockholms skärgård

Romantik p� Visby hotell

I Visby kan n�stan inte ett hotell undg� att k�nnas romantiskt. Hela stan �r en enda stor romantisk kittel. Vackert och mysigt.

Hotell Visby ett super romantiskt hotell bel�get mitt i Visbys �ldsta delar, ett stenkast fr�n sm�b�tshamnen. Fastigheterna som ing�r i Hotel Visby har haft m�nga anv�ndningsomr�den. De byggdes som medeltida packhus och anv�ndes i slutet av 1600-talet som kronomagasin. Under samma tid fanns h�r en krog som hette Stadshusk�llaren Friheten. Namnet lever kvar idag hos hotellets n�rmaste ?granne? och samarbetspartner ? restaurang Friheten.

M�nga inredningsdetaljer i hotellet vittnar idag om husets historia som g�r tillbaka till medeltiden. H�r finns kryssvalvsrum och pelare mer �n 700 �r gamla.

I dessa lokaler har det drivits hotell sedan mitten av 1800-talet. Hela huset �r som ett stort museum, men samtidigt ett modernt fungerande hotell. F�r inte hade man v�l relaxavdelning redan p� 1800-talet?


vandrarhem söder stockholm

onsdag 28 september 2011

Skeppsholmen - romantiskt och modernt

Ett romantiskt hotell i Stockholms hj�rta. Runt Hotell Skeppsholmen k�nns det som om man �r i en oas. Trots att man �r mitt i Stockholm �r atmosf�ren avslappnad, lyxig och en varm. Hotel Skeppsholmen �r en blandning av modern design av Claesson Koivisto Rune i en historisk byggnad fr�n 1699. H�r har man n�ra till b�de Moderna Museet och Arkitekturmus�et.

H�r har man rum speciellt f�r de som vill ha ett romantiskt hotell. Deras s� kallade "Love Rooms" ger er en bekv�m 140 cm Queensize-s�ng, f�r par som vill mysa n�ra. Rummen �r 16-19 m2, alla med tv� stora vackra f�nster med klassiska f�nsterluckor i tr� f�r att ge maximal nattfrid.

I samma rumskategori finns ocks� ett antal charmiga vindsrum . Alla rum har underbar utsikt, mot tr�dg�rdarna, parken eller vattnet, ett skrivbord med en komfortabel designf�t�lj. H�r finns ocks� modern lyx s� som uttag f�r laptop och mobiltelefon, tr�dl�st Internet, en 32" platt-tv och en dvd f�r romantisk filmkv�ll. I badrummet hittar man det unika Boffi-handfatet, produkter fr�n Byredo Parfums och dusch med integrerat ljus.

Helt enkelt ett mycket romantiskt hotell i Stockholm.


vandrarhem stockholm båt

Single Dude Radio Episode 3: The Night Boris Died (almost)

By Charlie Bushmeister

1 comment to Single Dude Radio Episode 3: The Night Boris Died (almost)


vandrarhem söder stockholm

Romantik p� Visby hotell

I Visby kan n�stan inte ett hotell undg� att k�nnas romantiskt. Hela stan �r en enda stor romantisk kittel. Vackert och mysigt.

Hotell Visby ett super romantiskt hotell bel�get mitt i Visbys �ldsta delar, ett stenkast fr�n sm�b�tshamnen. Fastigheterna som ing�r i Hotel Visby har haft m�nga anv�ndningsomr�den. De byggdes som medeltida packhus och anv�ndes i slutet av 1600-talet som kronomagasin. Under samma tid fanns h�r en krog som hette Stadshusk�llaren Friheten. Namnet lever kvar idag hos hotellets n�rmaste ?granne? och samarbetspartner ? restaurang Friheten.

M�nga inredningsdetaljer i hotellet vittnar idag om husets historia som g�r tillbaka till medeltiden. H�r finns kryssvalvsrum och pelare mer �n 700 �r gamla.

I dessa lokaler har det drivits hotell sedan mitten av 1800-talet. Hela huset �r som ett stort museum, men samtidigt ett modernt fungerande hotell. F�r inte hade man v�l relaxavdelning redan p� 1800-talet?


vandrarhem stockholms skärgård

tisdag 27 september 2011

Romantik p� Visby hotell

I Visby kan n�stan inte ett hotell undg� att k�nnas romantiskt. Hela stan �r en enda stor romantisk kittel. Vackert och mysigt.

Hotell Visby ett super romantiskt hotell bel�get mitt i Visbys �ldsta delar, ett stenkast fr�n sm�b�tshamnen. Fastigheterna som ing�r i Hotel Visby har haft m�nga anv�ndningsomr�den. De byggdes som medeltida packhus och anv�ndes i slutet av 1600-talet som kronomagasin. Under samma tid fanns h�r en krog som hette Stadshusk�llaren Friheten. Namnet lever kvar idag hos hotellets n�rmaste ?granne? och samarbetspartner ? restaurang Friheten.

M�nga inredningsdetaljer i hotellet vittnar idag om husets historia som g�r tillbaka till medeltiden. H�r finns kryssvalvsrum och pelare mer �n 700 �r gamla.

I dessa lokaler har det drivits hotell sedan mitten av 1800-talet. Hela huset �r som ett stort museum, men samtidigt ett modernt fungerande hotell. F�r inte hade man v�l relaxavdelning redan p� 1800-talet?


vandrarhem stockholm båt

Designhotell i G�teborg

I G�teborg ligger ett s� kallat designhotell. H�r �r inredningen kanske inte s� romantisk, utan snarare sober, modern, luftig och fr�sch. Milj�n �r hursomhelst lyxig och mysig vilket g�r att f�ruts�ttningarna f�r att vara romantiska mot varandra �kar.

Hotellet heter Avalon och �r ett romantiskt hotell i G�teborg. H�r bor man verkligen mitt i stan, precis vid Kungsportsplatsen med n�rhet till allt. Man har bara n�gra meter till shopping, restauranger, saluhall och biograf.

Avalon �r byggt och inrett enligt Feng Shui, vilket ju ocks� borde borga f�r en avslappnande och romantisk vistelse p� det h�r hotellet.

H�r kan man ocks� nyttja poolen h�gst upp p� taket!


stockholm vandrarhem centralt


Vill man kolla in lite olika hotell p� Mallorca eftersom man ska �ka dit i h�st s� kan man ju h�ra runt med sl�kt och v�nner, f�r att se om de kanske kan rekommendera n�got boende, om de har varit d�r tidigare. Annars f�r man s�ka sig fram p� n�tet.


vandrarhem stockholm centralt

måndag 26 september 2011

Charlie?s First IRA

My mental image of what's happening to the USAWhen I was younger I used to believe more of what other people told me. One thing was what the typical money managers say to regular dudes like us (meaning people that aren?t millionaires). ?Make regular scheduled contributions to mutual funds that mirror the broad market, buy stock in blue chip companies, buy and hold, and be patient. This investment will work out for you in the long run and you?ll be financially secure when you retire (At 65).?

What bullshit.

Those guys don?t give a shit about us. We?re minnows. Our purpose in the mind of those Wall Street BBDs (business-banker douchebags) is as food, like the 2 1/2 tons of plankton a whale gobbles up daily, or the half ton of donuts eaten by Kirstie Alley when she?s on the lam from Jenny Craig. That advice doesn?t work and it hasn?t worked for a long time. If you?re still following that strategy I urge you to reconsider, and reconsider soon before it?s too late.

I assume that some of our readers have been following the recent events in the world financial markets, and see that there is enormous change coming to the world economic picture. All over the world things are coming to a head at the same time. We recommend for general news on the reality of the global meltdown but here?s the Readers? Digest version.

America has an unbelievable amount of debt, governmental, personal, and commercial. Her political leaders only care about scoring political points instead of addressing any of the structural flaws of the way this country is put together. The business leaders have no interest in the good of the country. The tower of the American empire is beginning to show obvious cracks begging at the foundation and reaching towards the sky. Our leaders just want the other party to be in charge when this all crashes down after they?re gone.

Europe is an enormous clusterfuck. Greece could default at any moment. Unemployment is through the roof in Spain. Italy just got downgraded. Property developers are committing suicide in Ireland. France has several banks that are going to go under and take everybody down with them. There is a silver lining however, as the world waits for the Euro to collapse there has been a bunch of flight to the dollar and our European vacations to the racetrack in Nuerburg, Germany are getting cheaper right now. But still, Europe is in big trouble.

China is ripe for a crash too. There?s bad inflation there, they own trillions of shitty US debt, and there?s a huge bubble in real estate and virtual ghost towns that could house 200 million people. All empty. Don?t worry about China, they will be fine in the long term, but they?re in for some pain too soon.

I hope you?ve been reading our other articles on related subjects like Boris? article on investing in gold, silver, my letter to Mom and Dad, and Boris? crackpot theory about the end of the world as we know it. Basically we have come to the following conclusions:

1. In the short term, there?s a bad crash/bear market coming to the world.

2. In the medium term, after the crash, the Fed will print up a shitload of more money to try to prop up the system. That may make the markets rise again nominally but the rise will be mostly due to inflation.

3. In the long term, America is finished as a world superpower. China is on deck and we will work for them.

There is nothing that anyone can do about this. No amount of propping up the phony debt based fiat money system will make America survive this. Not when the annual U.S. trade deficit is 712 billion dollars. Not when our political leaders would rather score a political or financial victory and pass the problems on their successors. Not when the cocksmoking asshats at Goldman Sachs are steering this whole shebang right off the cliff. No amount of political activism, charity, or individual or collective leadership can fix this. America has been living far beyond its means now for a very long time. The Repo Man is coming.

We do like Ron Paul who is one of our only political leaders that actually tells the truth about the situation. If there were any hope for America, Ron Paul would be that hope. But I find his mission quixotic. The mainstream media, who works for the bad guys, won?t cover him. There is no way that he could ever change the situation in time even if he was elected President. Ron Paul running for President is like volunteering to be captain of the Titanic after it hits the iceberg; no amount of competence from any President can save us now.

Plus I have some really damming video of Ron Paul. Boris and I agree that this is the single most incriminating piece of evidence why he can?t be President. Not because of his stance on homosexuality, just that he looked uncomfortable, weak, and very much un-Presidential.

Ron Paul on Bruno

Bruno was a great movie, by the way. It made Borat look like Bambi.

So now perhaps you?re thinking: what?s a single dude to do? In my opinion, it?s quite simple. Cover your ass. Read Boris? article on investing and follow that advice. Buy gold and silver in physical form and get out of the dollar. Buy an investment that you can?t get cheated out of that is actually a tangible thing. Food, energy and real estate are also good investments, but not yet ? they will fall as well with the broad market in the short to medium term.

I?m following my own advice and currently getting out of my investments in the US stock market and getting physical gold and silver and putting it in a safety deposit box (now two boxes). I have lots of old accounts scattered around ? residues of past job retirement plans, various IRAs, pensions, regular stock accounts, etc. It?s a pain in the ass because there?s all these different types of accounts and they have different rules, so I?m figuring out how to get my money out account by account.

The other day I called up Charles Schwab about my Roth IRA there. This was my first ever investment account as an adult, and I began investing in it around 1999 when I was just starting out, driving 50,000 miles a year and making $15-20,000. Life was a lot of work but I loved being a newly minted adult. Even though I wasn?t making a lot I still followed all the so-called money experts? advice and had a hundred bucks or so a month deducted from my bank account and invested in the usual mid and large cap stuff that everybody is supposed to invest in. It wasn?t a lot, but I was being responsible and grown up, right?

I put money in for a couple years, sending a bigger check when I had a little cash, and a few years later quit contributing and just left it there. In my recent research on the Internet I found that you can take out your original contributions from a Roth IRA whenever you want, tax and penalty free after 5 years. So I thought I?d sell and buy some more gold and silver. I called them up and asked, ?What was my basis? How much did I contribute of this total account value??

The answer, six thousand dollars. Not a lot, but this was 12 years ago that I started contributing so I was very pleased to compare that to my current balance:


That?s right, 15 years afterwards, the conventional wisdom, the plan every financial adviser gives the minnow investor, gained me 1% annually. And that is not counting inflation. Even if you use the bullshit cooked book U.S. government CPI (Consumer Price Index) that doesn?t include food, energy, or housing prices my investment declined significantly in value. What gives, I played by the rules?

The answer is the US economy has gone nowhere in the last ten years. The Dow Jones was higher in 2000 than it is today. That?s not even taking into account the trillions of dollars the US has pumped into the market raising the prices of everything. A gallon of gas back then was less than $2, now it?s closer to $4. But we?re not making any more money than we did then, so we?re getting poorer all the time.

If you haven?t woken up yet now would be an excellent time. Cover your ass. Get your money out of the stock market now. Then make popcorn and enjoy the carnage on CNN and MSNBC. Buy gold and silver after the crash, lock it up and wait. Follow this strategy and a couple years after that take a bar of gold and go buy your beach paradise retirement home on the Black Sea, drink some Rakia, and enjoy the sight of hot Bulgarian girls walking by in thong bikinis. I?ll save you a beach chair.

Disclaimer: I?m not a financial professional and therefore I?m not giving investment advice, past performance does not indicate future results blah blah. I don?t see how these guys who are pros know what they?re talking about more than I do. Just watch some old MSNBC from 2006, 1999, etc. These guys can be 100% dead wrong about everything and they still keep their jobs. A good investment strategy is to do the opposite of what Jim Cramer says to do. It?s a guaranteed long term winner.

Related posts:

  1. Gold and other investments for the Single Dude
  2. Silver and the Single Dude
  3. Get ready for a rough week?
  4. Greece: Greed, Graft and the Grim Reaper
  5. Fantasy Stock Portfolio Contest


vandrarhem gamla stan stockholm

Designhotell i G�teborg

I G�teborg ligger ett s� kallat designhotell. H�r �r inredningen kanske inte s� romantisk, utan snarare sober, modern, luftig och fr�sch. Milj�n �r hursomhelst lyxig och mysig vilket g�r att f�ruts�ttningarna f�r att vara romantiska mot varandra �kar.

Hotellet heter Avalon och �r ett romantiskt hotell i G�teborg. H�r bor man verkligen mitt i stan, precis vid Kungsportsplatsen med n�rhet till allt. Man har bara n�gra meter till shopping, restauranger, saluhall och biograf.

Avalon �r byggt och inrett enligt Feng Shui, vilket ju ocks� borde borga f�r en avslappnande och romantisk vistelse p� det h�r hotellet.

H�r kan man ocks� nyttja poolen h�gst upp p� taket!


båt vandrarhem stockholm

Crackpot theories about the end of the world as we know it

Nuclear FireballA while back while I was sitting on the beach with Charlie in the supposed paradise of Boracay Island, Philippines, I came up with a theory about when the next major US market meltdown (or meltup?) will occur. Usually we would have been picking up chicks but unfortunately that former island paradise is now overrun with ladyboys, prostitutes and fat Western tourists. So instead Charlie and I sat on the beach drinking $1 San Miguel Lights and discussing just what this crazy world is coming to.

In a nutshell, the theory that I came up with is that the time period between major US bear markets is decreasing at an exponential rate (give or take). This theory dovetails nicely with some other well supported theories as well as some of the indisputable facts of the times (i.e. rampant money printing). An exponential equation also seems like exactly the right way to describe what happens when a government prints too much currency and triggers hyper-inflation. The amount of stimulus becomes ever greater and ever more frequent because the more they print the less effect it has in stimulating the economy. All the while the value of the currency itself approaches zero but [arguably] never quite gets there. Although a logarithmic equation also nicely fits the data currency value nor time period between booms and busts can go significantly negative as that type of equation would predict. (You could argue that currency value goes slightly negative when the money literally becomes ?not worth the paper it?s printed on?).

Another body of work that I believe supports my hypothesis is that of author and inventor Ray Kurzweil which is well articulated in his books The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence and The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology. I highly recommend reading those books but to break it down for you in just a couple of sentences, Kurzweil postulates that exponentially shortening periods of time between major ?salient events? or paradigm shifts quite literally describe ?life, the universe and everything?. Some notable examples are the rate of development of both biological and artificial intelligence. I am hypothesizing a similar curve may also accurately describe the life cycle of a phony fiat currency / central banking regime such as the one that currently controls the US Dollar.

Lastly, this brief post by Tyler Durden on Zero Hedge that Charlie sent me the other day also seems to support my theory. In short, what it shows seems to be an exponential increase in ?black swan? or 4+ sigma events, which means 4 or more standard deviations from the norm. I think that is exactly what we would expect to see as this exponential downward spiral continues to accelerate at an ever increasing rate of speed.

Now that I have explained the background let?s get on to the methodology, the assumptions and the findings.

Methology: I used Excel to fit an exponential curve to the peaks and troughs of major US bear markets to measure the period of time between them.

Assumptions: A major US bear market is defined as greater than one year between peak and trough and a decline in value of 30% or more in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Therefore the major US bear markets began in 1929, 1973, 2000, and 2007. (The bear market of 1987 is clearly a major statistical outlier given it?s extremely short duration).

Findings: I believe the next major US bear market has already begun. I believe the peak occurred April 29, 2011, the trough is yet to occur and is predicted to occur around October 3, 2011 with the following trough occurring on or about October 9, 2012

Let?s get a few things straight though, this is not a Ph.D level dissertation, this is a crackpot theory dreamed up while drinking on the beach and was developed within the time constraints of the charge left in my laptop battery. I would prefer to have more data points and more time. I am not an economist, I?m a guy who likes to travel the world and drink cheap beer. I tried a number of different types of equations and also experimented with the possibility that April 29, 2011 was not a peak and that we have not yet reached the current peak. Ultimately I decided that an exponential equation was the best way to go and that April 29, 2011 was the peak of this cycle.

The known peaks: 9/3/1929, 1/5/1973, 1/14/2000, 10/12/2007, 4/29/2011* (* hypothesized)
The known troughs: 7/8/1932, 12/6/1974, 10/4/2002, 3/6/2009

That makes the time between peaks before major bear markets measured by the preceding peaks in the US was 44.25 years, 27 years, 7.75 years, and 3.5 years. See any pattern?

The equation: y = 143.68e-1.005x where y is the number of years between troughs and x is the sequence number of the crash. The first crash would be the crash of 1929 since that was the first crash under the current central banking regime established in 1913.

Crash Graph

This is junk science and I know it is. However, I think the general concept that booms and busts will become shorter and shorter will hold water. I think we can expect a trough sometime between now and next spring and I think we can expect the next peak within a year to 18 months at the outside after that if this doesn?t in fact turn out to be ?the last hurrah? we?re in already. It can?t be too much longer before the booms and busts are so close together it becomes difficult to discern them ? think Zimbabwe and adding zeroes to the currency on a routine basis.

If you haven?t already I think you better start rethinking your investments and escaping the western world immediately. Good luck!

No related posts.


vandrarhem centralt stockholm

söndag 25 september 2011

Romantik p� Visby hotell

I Visby kan n�stan inte ett hotell undg� att k�nnas romantiskt. Hela stan �r en enda stor romantisk kittel. Vackert och mysigt.

Hotell Visby ett super romantiskt hotell bel�get mitt i Visbys �ldsta delar, ett stenkast fr�n sm�b�tshamnen. Fastigheterna som ing�r i Hotel Visby har haft m�nga anv�ndningsomr�den. De byggdes som medeltida packhus och anv�ndes i slutet av 1600-talet som kronomagasin. Under samma tid fanns h�r en krog som hette Stadshusk�llaren Friheten. Namnet lever kvar idag hos hotellets n�rmaste ?granne? och samarbetspartner ? restaurang Friheten.

M�nga inredningsdetaljer i hotellet vittnar idag om husets historia som g�r tillbaka till medeltiden. H�r finns kryssvalvsrum och pelare mer �n 700 �r gamla.

I dessa lokaler har det drivits hotell sedan mitten av 1800-talet. Hela huset �r som ett stort museum, men samtidigt ett modernt fungerande hotell. F�r inte hade man v�l relaxavdelning redan p� 1800-talet?


vandrarhem stockholms skärgård

I Stockholm finns ju Grand

P� Hotell Grand i Stockholm �r den romantiska faktorn h�g. Med hotellets vackra l�ge, mittemot Kungliga Slottet vid Stockholms str�m, den eleganta inredningen och uts�kta maten, passar Grand Hotell alla som vet att uppskatta livets goda, i stort som i sm�tt.

H�r �r alla rum romantiska, s�v�l de vanliga dubbelrummen som de olika sorters sviterna. Detta romantiska hotell passar verkligen kosmopolitiska par som vill njuta av stad, mat och varandra.

Vill man sl� p� stort kan man f�rst�s ocks� boka deras 330 kvadrat stora svit best�ende av tv� sovrum, vardagsrum med matsal, bibliotek, egen biograf med plats f�r 12 personer och en relaxavdelning med egen bastu. Naturligtvis med en fantastisk utsikt �ver huvudstaden och en air av forna dagars lyx och romantik.


centralt vandrarhem stockholm

I Stockholm finns ju Grand

P� Hotell Grand i Stockholm �r den romantiska faktorn h�g. Med hotellets vackra l�ge, mittemot Kungliga Slottet vid Stockholms str�m, den eleganta inredningen och uts�kta maten, passar Grand Hotell alla som vet att uppskatta livets goda, i stort som i sm�tt.

H�r �r alla rum romantiska, s�v�l de vanliga dubbelrummen som de olika sorters sviterna. Detta romantiska hotell passar verkligen kosmopolitiska par som vill njuta av stad, mat och varandra.

Vill man sl� p� stort kan man f�rst�s ocks� boka deras 330 kvadrat stora svit best�ende av tv� sovrum, vardagsrum med matsal, bibliotek, egen biograf med plats f�r 12 personer och en relaxavdelning med egen bastu. Naturligtvis med en fantastisk utsikt �ver huvudstaden och en air av forna dagars lyx och romantik.


vandrarhem stockholm båt

lördag 24 september 2011

Our favorite fan mail to date

By Charlie Bushmeister

FanmailSince the last reader mail we posted was definitely hate mail, we thought we?d follow it up with the most flattering fan mail we?ve received to date. Thanks QN, we wish you luck in your travels!

From: Q N
Date: Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 8:29 AM


I just wanted to email you guys and let you know that I want to be you when I grow up, if I grow up.

This is the first time in my life I?ve ever sent anything even remotely close to fan mail ? I much prefer hate mail because watching bridges burn is way cooler and less time consuming than actually watching people build them. (That was a metaphor).

Irrespective, you guys are totally cool and I hope that by sifting meticulously through every word you have collectively written I can at least understand the fundamentals of traveling the world, sounding like a badass in dozens of foreign languages, and banging lots of extremely non-American women.


Related posts:

  1. Hate Mail: Retard says what?
  2. Reader Mail From Iraq!
  3. Favorite Search Terms
  4. Guest Post: Pay Me To Date Me


vandrarhem i stockholm

Helg i huvudstaden

T�nkte att jag skulle �verraska sambon med att �ka iv�g till Stockholm ta in p� hotell i helgen. Bara s� d�r. F�r att f� lite milj�ombyte och f� avnjuta en lyxig hotellfrukost med allt gott som de brukar ha att erbjuda.�

N�gon som har tips p� billiga hotell i Stockholm? D� menar jag inte de allra sjaskigaste st�llena utan de som �r rena och bekv�ma men �nd� prisv�rda. Och som ligger hyfsat centralt.�

Man vill ju inte beh�va �ka halva dagen f�r att kunna se allt sev�rdheter inne i centrala delen. Som t ex Gr�na Lund, Djurg�rden, Biblioteksgatan och alla fina butiker d�r och sist men inte minst uteserveringarna runt S�dermalm.�

Men det borde v�l finnas en del st�llen att v�lja p� nu n�r den v�rsta turistv�gen f�rhoppningsvis �r �ver f�r den h�r s�songen. Blir det fint v�der kanske man skulle ta en tur med n�gon b�t ut i sk�rg�rden i ett par timmar. Det vore mysigt.�


vandrarhem stockholm

fredag 23 september 2011

Romantiskt hotell p� Marstrand - v�stkusten

�r det n�gonstans det finns romantiska hotell p� V�stkusten s� �r det p� Marstrand. Marstrand �r en liten � p� V�stkusten som verkligen lever upp p� sommaren. N�rheten till G�teborg g�r att m�nga �ker hit �ver dagen, men framf�rallt �r Marstrand ett paradis f�r alla seglare.

H�r finns romantiska hotell s� som lilla charmiga och romantiska Hotell Nautic eller det st�rre och lyxigare Villa Maritime (som bl a har uppv�rmd swimmingpool p� innerg�rden). Man kan ocks� v�lja att �vernatta i den gamla soldatbyggnaden p� Carlstens f�stning h�gst upp p� �n. V�lj det som �r mest romantiskt f�r dig.

P� Marstrand finns sk�na promenadstr�k, badm�jligheter, vacker natur, restauranger och butiker. Framf�rallt �r havet hela tiden n�rvarande, oavsett var p� �n man befinner sig.


boka vandrarhem stockholm

Is Bank of America really this stupid?

Charlie sent me the article below and I can?t help but wonder whether or not Bank of America is really this retarded? After reading The Big Short and Griftopia I have to say it?s possible (Bankers are more retarded than you might think) but really what did they hope to accomplish with this?

In Fairness, We Don?t Like Them Either?

by SGTreport:

?All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.? ?Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788 ? 1860)

?First they ignore you. Then they mock you. Then they attack you. Then you win.?

If you?ve ever attempted to leave a comment on SGTreport, you likely got a message saying that your comment is being held for moderation. After a certain number of approved comments the feature simply ?white lists? the person based on their name, IP address, & e-mail address, and after that there?s no moderation delay for ?approved? users.

This ?comment moderation? feature was originally put in not to censor anyone, but rather to eliminate the overwhelming amount of advertising spam comments we get.

However, recently we?ve been receiving a truly absurd amount of hate comments. More than 60 of them during the last week. Some of these hate messages are long detailed venomous spiels, while others are just a single derogatory word or two. They have been left on almost every single thing we?ve published.

Here?s some of the most recent ones, from the previous few days:

Bank of America Blog Spam

Bank of America Blog Spam

Let?s take a closer look at the IP addresses of these comments:

The purple one,, is from Concord, USA. (near Oakland, CA)

The green one,, traces back to Weehawken, USA. (near NYC)

The blue one,, traces back to Saddlebrook, USA. (near NYC)

The red one,, is from Concord, USA. (near Oakland, CA)

EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE LINKS HAS ONE thing in common (please look for yourself):

Bank of America

These IP addresses, and many others owned by Bank of America, have been using dozens of different names, e-mail addresses, and they?ve been at this for days and days now, posting comments like these, and comments that are also much more offensive than these. They post these comments on literally everything we publish. You don?t see these comments because we simply moderate them out before they?re made public. Our censorship policy is pretty simple: If you want to disagree, we?re all ears, and you?re welcome to do so. If you just want to be a loud-mouthed jerk, slinging mud and starting fights, you?re completely invisible to us.

These IP addresses are on opposite sides of the country, but they have almost all originated from network space fully owned by none other than Bank of America.

Look it up for yourself at ARIN (American Registry for Internet Numbers):

Now, far be it from us to explain why someone or someone(s) from Bank of America dislikes SGTreport this much. We just find it really strange and amusing, frankly. We couldn?t honestly care less, but if you?d like to know why it?s happening, go ahead and ask them yourself by e-mailing and simply direct their attention to this posting. If they reply to you, please let us know what they had to say, by pasting it in the comments section below. Don?t worry, we only screen out the worst of the dumbasses, and they all seem to work at the same bank.

Cheers. :-)

No related posts.


vandrarhem söder stockholm

Romantik p� Visby hotell

I Visby kan n�stan inte ett hotell undg� att k�nnas romantiskt. Hela stan �r en enda stor romantisk kittel. Vackert och mysigt.

Hotell Visby ett super romantiskt hotell bel�get mitt i Visbys �ldsta delar, ett stenkast fr�n sm�b�tshamnen. Fastigheterna som ing�r i Hotel Visby har haft m�nga anv�ndningsomr�den. De byggdes som medeltida packhus och anv�ndes i slutet av 1600-talet som kronomagasin. Under samma tid fanns h�r en krog som hette Stadshusk�llaren Friheten. Namnet lever kvar idag hos hotellets n�rmaste ?granne? och samarbetspartner ? restaurang Friheten.

M�nga inredningsdetaljer i hotellet vittnar idag om husets historia som g�r tillbaka till medeltiden. H�r finns kryssvalvsrum och pelare mer �n 700 �r gamla.

I dessa lokaler har det drivits hotell sedan mitten av 1800-talet. Hela huset �r som ett stort museum, men samtidigt ett modernt fungerande hotell. F�r inte hade man v�l relaxavdelning redan p� 1800-talet?


vandrarhem stockholm gamla stan

torsdag 22 september 2011

Brain Health and The Single Dude

The Human BrainAs one of our central tenets here at Single Dude Travel we believe that it?s exceptionally important to not suck or at the least to go to great lengths to limit the degree to which you suck.� Nobody is impressed with a sucky dude, especially when he sucks at his job.� Life, in my opinion, should be a constant effort at self improvement.� Getting in better shape, learning a language, getting better at a sport, playing a musical instrument, or creating a new business are just a few examples of the ?self-improvement? projects that are an essential part of life.

Don?t fall into the trap of thinking that you are too old to learn something new.� True, you probably won?t be a concert violinist, or NBA starter if you haven?t been doing those things all of your life, but you can certainly learn Spanish or take up golf even late in life.� The benefit of learning a new skill or getting appreciably better at an old one go much farther than the extra money you will make or new chicks you?ll meet.� Learning new skills is what keeps our minds young and flexible.

I?ve written before about the importance of health in life and how it is quite simply your health is your most important asset.� Hopefully you?re taking care of yourself with a good diet, regular exercise in and out of the bedroom, and you aren?t killing yourself with cigarettes or too much booze.� If not, go back and reread that article and get control of your body?s health today.

However, your physique is not the only part of you that needs exercising.� The human brain is susceptible to the same kind of atrophy that its muscles are subject to if unused.� All the senile old people sitting around at the old folks? home staring off into space are like that because they did not not exercise their brains.� Do you want to end up like that, being wheeled from your room and put in front of the television all day, with the occasional sponge bath by some hairy dude named Stan?� No thank you.

Luckily there are steps that you can take to avoid this mental slowdown and prolong your sharpness long into your golden years.� The most important principle is:

Use it or lose it.

The brain is a very flexible instrument if kept limber and strong.� Most people don?t keep using it throughout life the way they did at first.� Kids are always getting dragged to piano lessons and soccer practice; learning new subjects at school, and generally just being challenged mentally by new situations regularly.� But something changes when people get older.� How many people in their thirties do you know that regularly challenge themselves mentally?� Not that many compared to the legions of people who do the same mind numbing job every day and then come home and vegetate in front of the the TV eating prepackaged food.� Those are the future Alzheimer?s cases of tomorrow.

This brings me to step one of the plan:� Get rid of your television.� TV is poison for your brain.

I know, it?s hard.� Television is so comforting.� It?s always there, a click of the remote away.� With all the different programming options on cable and with the miracle of Tivo there is always something good on.� The problem is it?s all bad for you.� Sitting on the couch watching TV is a 100% passive experience.� You?re not asking anything of your brain, and your brain responds by doing nothing.� ?But Charlie, I watch the History Channel, I?m learning things!? Bullshit, you?re not asking anything of your brain.� Merely taking in information does nothing for your brain, you then need to do something with that information.

I had a nagging suspicion throughout my twenties that I was getting progressively stupider and stupider.� I figured at the time that it was a product of not being in school and my party focused lifestyle.� I went out a lot, drank a bunch and smoked a lot of pot and I figured it was that this was what was making me dumber.� It?s true, I really was getting dumber that decade.� Then around 30 I got rid of my cable TV and quit watching it.� I party at least as much now as I did then, but I?m getting smarter again.� The amount of time it freed up to do more worthwhile activities is amazing.� The first year without TV I read over 100 books.� It also represented a savings of 60 bucks a month.� Over a year, that?s $720, enough for a plane ticket and a week on the beach looking at hot Russian girls in bikinis in Playa del Carmen.� Or you could watch The Hills.

It does make relating to people in America more difficult these days.� But who wants to do that anyway? As far as I can observe, American people have two main subjects of conversation: money, and what?s on TV.� When I?m in the States and groups of my colleagues are standing around the proverbial water cooler talking, if they?re not discussing money I am completely lost.� It?s amazing how much TV people watch.

There are other things you can do to help give your brain a chance to be function well:

Get enough sleep.

People really don?t give sleep enough credit for it?s impact on overall health.� Your body and brain both need time to recover from the waking day.� Especially if you?ve actually been using your brain you need to give it time to process the data it?s receiving.� After a important learning or practice session of between 30 minutes and an hour, I will even lie down and take a fifteen minute nap.� That really recharges my brain and helps me learn deeply whatever I just studied.� Try it.

One of the most important recent discoveries in neuroscience of the last several years is the importance of myelin. Myelin is the fatty material that your body builds around neural pathways that your brain creates when it ?learns?. It acts just like the insulation on a wire and speeds up and isolates the electrical impulses that your brain uses to instruct your body and mind to do things. The only way to build it is to do a task, over and over. This is why TV watching is useless; you?re not doing anything and therefore aren?t myleinating anything but your lazy fatass circuits. ? target=?_blank?>Check out this book by Daniel Coyle for an excellent explanation of myelin.

This brings me to the last rule of brain health:

Your diet matters.

So Mom always used to tell us that fish was good for your brain. She?s right. The reason is that myelin?s building block is found in the Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil). If you want to learn a skill, the best way to lock it in is to do it over and over, and then eat fish. Other sources of Omega-3s are fish oil capsules, flax seed oil, and Chia seeds (that?s right, like the Chia Pet).

Eat right. The thing is, it?s not just about looking good, or how you theoretically might feel health wise in 30 years. Your diet can literally make you smarter or dumber in a matter of weeks. Try it and you?ll see.

The Single Dude?s second most important asset is his brain. We are trying to be smarter than the competition. That?s what is going to get us the chicks, the cool careers, and everything else that makes life worth living. You need to think of your brain as a high performance sports car. It can really take you places, but only if you take care of it. Start today.

Related posts:

  1. Your Health is Your Most Important Asset
  2. The Single Dude?s Guide to Amsterdam
  3. The Single Dude?s Rules for Money
  4. Boris? Basic Spare Tire Disposal Plan
  5. The Single Dude?s Guide to Suzhou, China


vandrarhem centralt stockholm

Ett fantastiskt minne

Jag hade n�stan aldrig kollat p� fotboll n�r jag best�mde mig f�r att k�pa en fotbollsresa i present till min man, till det fantastiska Camp Nou i Spanien! Det var El Clasico som g�llde, s� jag b�rjade kika p� fotbollsresor i god tid f�r att vara s�ker p� att vi skulle f� en bra plats p� l�ktaren och ett bra boende, f�r det kunde man ocks� v�lja med om man valde ett paket. I och med att jag k�nde att det var mest bekv�mt s� gjorde jag det, och det blev jag riktigt n�jd med d� det hotell som vi bodde p� var riktigt fint och �nd� prisv�rt! Matchen i sig kan man inte j�mf�ra med n�got annat, fr�n �vre l�ngsida nj�t vi av en match i �kta katalansk anda, n�got som jag inte kan j�mf�ra med n�got annat som jag har varit med om. Det var helt fantastiskt d�r!


vandrarhem stockholm gamla stan

�ka iv�g

Jag har h�rt att Dublin ska vara en riktigt fin stad att vara i, s� jag har faktiskt t�nkt att jag ska f�rs�ka att kl�mma in en weekend i Dublin i h�st. Det vore in helt fel! Dessutom s� kan man f� tag i r�tt s� bra priser p� s�dana resor om man bara ser till att kika p� internet, s� det ska jag se till att g�ra. D� s� kan jag nog �ven f� tag i ett bra boende d�r ocks�, f�r jag vill ha ett hotell som ligger bra till i stan. S� att jag har n�rheten till allt.


centralt vandrarhem stockholm

onsdag 21 september 2011

Our favorite fan mail to date

By Charlie Bushmeister

FanmailSince the last reader mail we posted was definitely hate mail, we thought we?d follow it up with the most flattering fan mail we?ve received to date. Thanks QN, we wish you luck in your travels!

From: Q N
Date: Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 8:29 AM


I just wanted to email you guys and let you know that I want to be you when I grow up, if I grow up.

This is the first time in my life I?ve ever sent anything even remotely close to fan mail ? I much prefer hate mail because watching bridges burn is way cooler and less time consuming than actually watching people build them. (That was a metaphor).

Irrespective, you guys are totally cool and I hope that by sifting meticulously through every word you have collectively written I can at least understand the fundamentals of traveling the world, sounding like a badass in dozens of foreign languages, and banging lots of extremely non-American women.


Related posts:

  1. Hate Mail: Retard says what?
  2. Reader Mail From Iraq!
  3. Favorite Search Terms
  4. Guest Post: Pay Me To Date Me


billigt vandrarhem i stockholm

Crackpot theories about the end of the world as we know it

Nuclear FireballA while back while I was sitting on the beach with Charlie in the supposed paradise of Boracay Island, Philippines, I came up with a theory about when the next major US market meltdown (or meltup?) will occur. Usually we would have been picking up chicks but unfortunately that former island paradise is now overrun with ladyboys, prostitutes and fat Western tourists. So instead Charlie and I sat on the beach drinking $1 San Miguel Lights and discussing just what this crazy world is coming to.

In a nutshell, the theory that I came up with is that the time period between major US bear markets is decreasing at an exponential rate (give or take). This theory dovetails nicely with some other well supported theories as well as some of the indisputable facts of the times (i.e. rampant money printing). An exponential equation also seems like exactly the right way to describe what happens when a government prints too much currency and triggers hyper-inflation. The amount of stimulus becomes ever greater and ever more frequent because the more they print the less effect it has in stimulating the economy. All the while the value of the currency itself approaches zero but [arguably] never quite gets there. Although a logarithmic equation also nicely fits the data currency value nor time period between booms and busts can go significantly negative as that type of equation would predict. (You could argue that currency value goes slightly negative when the money literally becomes ?not worth the paper it?s printed on?).

Another body of work that I believe supports my hypothesis is that of author and inventor Ray Kurzweil which is well articulated in his books The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence and The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology. I highly recommend reading those books but to break it down for you in just a couple of sentences, Kurzweil postulates that exponentially shortening periods of time between major ?salient events? or paradigm shifts quite literally describe ?life, the universe and everything?. Some notable examples are the rate of development of both biological and artificial intelligence. I am hypothesizing a similar curve may also accurately describe the life cycle of a phony fiat currency / central banking regime such as the one that currently controls the US Dollar.

Lastly, this brief post by Tyler Durden on Zero Hedge that Charlie sent me the other day also seems to support my theory. In short, what it shows seems to be an exponential increase in ?black swan? or 4+ sigma events, which means 4 or more standard deviations from the norm. I think that is exactly what we would expect to see as this exponential downward spiral continues to accelerate at an ever increasing rate of speed.

Now that I have explained the background let?s get on to the methodology, the assumptions and the findings.

Methology: I used Excel to fit an exponential curve to the peaks and troughs of major US bear markets to measure the period of time between them.

Assumptions: A major US bear market is defined as greater than one year between peak and trough and a decline in value of 30% or more in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Therefore the major US bear markets began in 1929, 1973, 2000, and 2007. (The bear market of 1987 is clearly a major statistical outlier given it?s extremely short duration).

Findings: I believe the next major US bear market has already begun. I believe the peak occurred April 29, 2011, the trough is yet to occur and is predicted to occur around October 3, 2011 with the following trough occurring on or about October 9, 2012

Let?s get a few things straight though, this is not a Ph.D level dissertation, this is a crackpot theory dreamed up while drinking on the beach and was developed within the time constraints of the charge left in my laptop battery. I would prefer to have more data points and more time. I am not an economist, I?m a guy who likes to travel the world and drink cheap beer. I tried a number of different types of equations and also experimented with the possibility that April 29, 2011 was not a peak and that we have not yet reached the current peak. Ultimately I decided that an exponential equation was the best way to go and that April 29, 2011 was the peak of this cycle.

The known peaks: 9/3/1929, 1/5/1973, 1/14/2000, 10/12/2007, 4/29/2011* (* hypothesized)
The known troughs: 7/8/1932, 12/6/1974, 10/4/2002, 3/6/2009

That makes the time between peaks before major bear markets measured by the preceding peaks in the US was 44.25 years, 27 years, 7.75 years, and 3.5 years. See any pattern?

The equation: y = 143.68e-1.005x where y is the number of years between troughs and x is the sequence number of the crash. The first crash would be the crash of 1929 since that was the first crash under the current central banking regime established in 1913.

Crash Graph

This is junk science and I know it is. However, I think the general concept that booms and busts will become shorter and shorter will hold water. I think we can expect a trough sometime between now and next spring and I think we can expect the next peak within a year to 18 months at the outside after that if this doesn?t in fact turn out to be ?the last hurrah? we?re in already. It can?t be too much longer before the booms and busts are so close together it becomes difficult to discern them ? think Zimbabwe and adding zeroes to the currency on a routine basis.

If you haven?t already I think you better start rethinking your investments and escaping the western world immediately. Good luck!

No related posts.


vandrarhem stockholm

Ett fantastiskt minne

Jag hade n�stan aldrig kollat p� fotboll n�r jag best�mde mig f�r att k�pa en fotbollsresa i present till min man, till det fantastiska Camp Nou i Spanien! Det var El Clasico som g�llde, s� jag b�rjade kika p� fotbollsresor i god tid f�r att vara s�ker p� att vi skulle f� en bra plats p� l�ktaren och ett bra boende, f�r det kunde man ocks� v�lja med om man valde ett paket. I och med att jag k�nde att det var mest bekv�mt s� gjorde jag det, och det blev jag riktigt n�jd med d� det hotell som vi bodde p� var riktigt fint och �nd� prisv�rt! Matchen i sig kan man inte j�mf�ra med n�got annat, fr�n �vre l�ngsida nj�t vi av en match i �kta katalansk anda, n�got som jag inte kan j�mf�ra med n�got annat som jag har varit med om. Det var helt fantastiskt d�r!


båt vandrarhem stockholm

tisdag 20 september 2011

Romantiskt hotell p� Marstrand - v�stkusten

�r det n�gonstans det finns romantiska hotell p� V�stkusten s� �r det p� Marstrand. Marstrand �r en liten � p� V�stkusten som verkligen lever upp p� sommaren. N�rheten till G�teborg g�r att m�nga �ker hit �ver dagen, men framf�rallt �r Marstrand ett paradis f�r alla seglare.

H�r finns romantiska hotell s� som lilla charmiga och romantiska Hotell Nautic eller det st�rre och lyxigare Villa Maritime (som bl a har uppv�rmd swimmingpool p� innerg�rden). Man kan ocks� v�lja att �vernatta i den gamla soldatbyggnaden p� Carlstens f�stning h�gst upp p� �n. V�lj det som �r mest romantiskt f�r dig.

P� Marstrand finns sk�na promenadstr�k, badm�jligheter, vacker natur, restauranger och butiker. Framf�rallt �r havet hela tiden n�rvarande, oavsett var p� �n man befinner sig.


vandrarhem gamla stan stockholm

Our favorite fan mail to date

By Charlie Bushmeister

FanmailSince the last reader mail we posted was definitely hate mail, we thought we?d follow it up with the most flattering fan mail we?ve received to date. Thanks QN, we wish you luck in your travels!

From: Q N
Date: Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 8:29 AM


I just wanted to email you guys and let you know that I want to be you when I grow up, if I grow up.

This is the first time in my life I?ve ever sent anything even remotely close to fan mail ? I much prefer hate mail because watching bridges burn is way cooler and less time consuming than actually watching people build them. (That was a metaphor).

Irrespective, you guys are totally cool and I hope that by sifting meticulously through every word you have collectively written I can at least understand the fundamentals of traveling the world, sounding like a badass in dozens of foreign languages, and banging lots of extremely non-American women.


Related posts:

  1. Hate Mail: Retard says what?
  2. Reader Mail From Iraq!
  3. Favorite Search Terms
  4. Guest Post: Pay Me To Date Me


vandrarhem centralt i stockholm

Romantiskt hotell p� Marstrand - v�stkusten

�r det n�gonstans det finns romantiska hotell p� V�stkusten s� �r det p� Marstrand. Marstrand �r en liten � p� V�stkusten som verkligen lever upp p� sommaren. N�rheten till G�teborg g�r att m�nga �ker hit �ver dagen, men framf�rallt �r Marstrand ett paradis f�r alla seglare.

H�r finns romantiska hotell s� som lilla charmiga och romantiska Hotell Nautic eller det st�rre och lyxigare Villa Maritime (som bl a har uppv�rmd swimmingpool p� innerg�rden). Man kan ocks� v�lja att �vernatta i den gamla soldatbyggnaden p� Carlstens f�stning h�gst upp p� �n. V�lj det som �r mest romantiskt f�r dig.

P� Marstrand finns sk�na promenadstr�k, badm�jligheter, vacker natur, restauranger och butiker. Framf�rallt �r havet hela tiden n�rvarande, oavsett var p� �n man befinner sig.


vandrarhem stockholm söder

måndag 19 september 2011

The mainstream media continues to screw Ron Paul

By Boris Smirnoff

As I pointed out before the mainstream media is currently engaged in a willful and blatant conspiracy to fuck over Ron Paul. He is currently annihilating the competition in an MSNBC poll on the latest presidential debate (go vote on it), however the mainstream media continues to downplay his relevancy, distort the results of polls and even ignore his existence completely.

Reposted from ?Ron Paul Deserves a Proper Graph? on Clearly Presentable:

Ron Paul Deserves a Proper Graph

Ron Paul Deserves a Proper Graph

Watch CNN claim that Ron Paul gets ZERO PERCENT of the vote:

Watch numerous mainstream media talking heads simply pretend Ron Paul doesn?t exist:

The mainstream media is a fraud! Don?t watch them, don?t listen to them. Boycott the mainstream media and get your news from reliable independent sources.


Initially the distortion of the debate poll results were even more egregious:

Ron Paul Poll Distortion

Ron Paul Poll Distortion

Via infowars

Related posts:

  1. Mainstream Media Conspires to Screw Ron Paul
  2. Single Dude Radio Episode 2: The World Financial Picture
  3. Presenting: The First International Douchette Award aka ?The Fisty?

12 comments to The mainstream media continues to screw Ron Paul


vandrarhem i stockholm

The mainstream media continues to screw Ron Paul

By Boris Smirnoff

As I pointed out before the mainstream media is currently engaged in a willful and blatant conspiracy to fuck over Ron Paul. He is currently annihilating the competition in an MSNBC poll on the latest presidential debate (go vote on it), however the mainstream media continues to downplay his relevancy, distort the results of polls and even ignore his existence completely.

Reposted from ?Ron Paul Deserves a Proper Graph? on Clearly Presentable:

Ron Paul Deserves a Proper Graph

Ron Paul Deserves a Proper Graph

Watch CNN claim that Ron Paul gets ZERO PERCENT of the vote:

Watch numerous mainstream media talking heads simply pretend Ron Paul doesn?t exist:

The mainstream media is a fraud! Don?t watch them, don?t listen to them. Boycott the mainstream media and get your news from reliable independent sources.


Initially the distortion of the debate poll results were even more egregious:

Ron Paul Poll Distortion

Ron Paul Poll Distortion

Via infowars

Related posts:

  1. Mainstream Media Conspires to Screw Ron Paul
  2. Single Dude Radio Episode 2: The World Financial Picture
  3. Presenting: The First International Douchette Award aka ?The Fisty?

12 comments to The mainstream media continues to screw Ron Paul


vandrarhem stockholm söder

söndag 18 september 2011

Our favorite fan mail to date

By Charlie Bushmeister

FanmailSince the last reader mail we posted was definitely hate mail, we thought we?d follow it up with the most flattering fan mail we?ve received to date. Thanks QN, we wish you luck in your travels!

From: Q N
Date: Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 8:29 AM


I just wanted to email you guys and let you know that I want to be you when I grow up, if I grow up.

This is the first time in my life I?ve ever sent anything even remotely close to fan mail ? I much prefer hate mail because watching bridges burn is way cooler and less time consuming than actually watching people build them. (That was a metaphor).

Irrespective, you guys are totally cool and I hope that by sifting meticulously through every word you have collectively written I can at least understand the fundamentals of traveling the world, sounding like a badass in dozens of foreign languages, and banging lots of extremely non-American women.


Related posts:

  1. Hate Mail: Retard says what?
  2. Reader Mail From Iraq!
  3. Favorite Search Terms
  4. Guest Post: Pay Me To Date Me


vandrarhem centralt stockholm

Romantik p� Visby hotell

I Visby kan n�stan inte ett hotell undg� att k�nnas romantiskt. Hela stan �r en enda stor romantisk kittel. Vackert och mysigt.

Hotell Visby ett super romantiskt hotell bel�get mitt i Visbys �ldsta delar, ett stenkast fr�n sm�b�tshamnen. Fastigheterna som ing�r i Hotel Visby har haft m�nga anv�ndningsomr�den. De byggdes som medeltida packhus och anv�ndes i slutet av 1600-talet som kronomagasin. Under samma tid fanns h�r en krog som hette Stadshusk�llaren Friheten. Namnet lever kvar idag hos hotellets n�rmaste ?granne? och samarbetspartner ? restaurang Friheten.

M�nga inredningsdetaljer i hotellet vittnar idag om husets historia som g�r tillbaka till medeltiden. H�r finns kryssvalvsrum och pelare mer �n 700 �r gamla.

I dessa lokaler har det drivits hotell sedan mitten av 1800-talet. Hela huset �r som ett stort museum, men samtidigt ett modernt fungerande hotell. F�r inte hade man v�l relaxavdelning redan p� 1800-talet?


vandrarhem i stockholm

Crackpot theories about the end of the world as we know it

Nuclear FireballA while back while I was sitting on the beach with Charlie in the supposed paradise of Boracay Island, Philippines, I came up with a theory about when the next major US market meltdown (or meltup?) will occur. Usually we would have been picking up chicks but unfortunately that former island paradise is now overrun with ladyboys, prostitutes and fat Western tourists. So instead Charlie and I sat on the beach drinking $1 San Miguel Lights and discussing just what this crazy world is coming to.

In a nutshell, the theory that I came up with is that the time period between major US bear markets is decreasing at an exponential rate (give or take). This theory dovetails nicely with some other well supported theories as well as some of the indisputable facts of the times (i.e. rampant money printing). An exponential equation also seems like exactly the right way to describe what happens when a government prints too much currency and triggers hyper-inflation. The amount of stimulus becomes ever greater and ever more frequent because the more they print the less effect it has in stimulating the economy. All the while the value of the currency itself approaches zero but [arguably] never quite gets there. Although a logarithmic equation also nicely fits the data currency value nor time period between booms and busts can go significantly negative as that type of equation would predict. (You could argue that currency value goes slightly negative when the money literally becomes ?not worth the paper it?s printed on?).

Another body of work that I believe supports my hypothesis is that of author and inventor Ray Kurzweil which is well articulated in his books The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence and The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology. I highly recommend reading those books but to break it down for you in just a couple of sentences, Kurzweil postulates that exponentially shortening periods of time between major ?salient events? or paradigm shifts quite literally describe ?life, the universe and everything?. Some notable examples are the rate of development of both biological and artificial intelligence. I am hypothesizing a similar curve may also accurately describe the life cycle of a phony fiat currency / central banking regime such as the one that currently controls the US Dollar.

Lastly, this brief post by Tyler Durden on Zero Hedge that Charlie sent me the other day also seems to support my theory. In short, what it shows seems to be an exponential increase in ?black swan? or 4+ sigma events, which means 4 or more standard deviations from the norm. I think that is exactly what we would expect to see as this exponential downward spiral continues to accelerate at an ever increasing rate of speed.

Now that I have explained the background let?s get on to the methodology, the assumptions and the findings.

Methology: I used Excel to fit an exponential curve to the peaks and troughs of major US bear markets to measure the period of time between them.

Assumptions: A major US bear market is defined as greater than one year between peak and trough and a decline in value of 30% or more in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Therefore the major US bear markets began in 1929, 1973, 2000, and 2007. (The bear market of 1987 is clearly a major statistical outlier given it?s extremely short duration).

Findings: I believe the next major US bear market has already begun. I believe the peak occurred April 29, 2011, the trough is yet to occur and is predicted to occur around October 3, 2011 with the following trough occurring on or about October 9, 2012

Let?s get a few things straight though, this is not a Ph.D level dissertation, this is a crackpot theory dreamed up while drinking on the beach and was developed within the time constraints of the charge left in my laptop battery. I would prefer to have more data points and more time. I am not an economist, I?m a guy who likes to travel the world and drink cheap beer. I tried a number of different types of equations and also experimented with the possibility that April 29, 2011 was not a peak and that we have not yet reached the current peak. Ultimately I decided that an exponential equation was the best way to go and that April 29, 2011 was the peak of this cycle.

The known peaks: 9/3/1929, 1/5/1973, 1/14/2000, 10/12/2007, 4/29/2011* (* hypothesized)
The known troughs: 7/8/1932, 12/6/1974, 10/4/2002, 3/6/2009

That makes the time between peaks before major bear markets measured by the preceding peaks in the US was 44.25 years, 27 years, 7.75 years, and 3.5 years. See any pattern?

The equation: y = 143.68e-1.005x where y is the number of years between troughs and x is the sequence number of the crash. The first crash would be the crash of 1929 since that was the first crash under the current central banking regime established in 1913.

Crash Graph

This is junk science and I know it is. However, I think the general concept that booms and busts will become shorter and shorter will hold water. I think we can expect a trough sometime between now and next spring and I think we can expect the next peak within a year to 18 months at the outside after that if this doesn?t in fact turn out to be ?the last hurrah? we?re in already. It can?t be too much longer before the booms and busts are so close together it becomes difficult to discern them ? think Zimbabwe and adding zeroes to the currency on a routine basis.

If you haven?t already I think you better start rethinking your investments and escaping the western world immediately. Good luck!

No related posts.


vandrarhem stockholm

lördag 17 september 2011


Vill man kolla in lite olika hotell p� Mallorca eftersom man ska �ka dit i h�st s� kan man ju h�ra runt med sl�kt och v�nner, f�r att se om de kanske kan rekommendera n�got boende, om de har varit d�r tidigare. Annars f�r man s�ka sig fram p� n�tet.


centralt vandrarhem i stockholm

Skeppsholmen - romantiskt och modernt

Ett romantiskt hotell i Stockholms hj�rta. Runt Hotell Skeppsholmen k�nns det som om man �r i en oas. Trots att man �r mitt i Stockholm �r atmosf�ren avslappnad, lyxig och en varm. Hotel Skeppsholmen �r en blandning av modern design av Claesson Koivisto Rune i en historisk byggnad fr�n 1699. H�r har man n�ra till b�de Moderna Museet och Arkitekturmus�et.

H�r har man rum speciellt f�r de som vill ha ett romantiskt hotell. Deras s� kallade "Love Rooms" ger er en bekv�m 140 cm Queensize-s�ng, f�r par som vill mysa n�ra. Rummen �r 16-19 m2, alla med tv� stora vackra f�nster med klassiska f�nsterluckor i tr� f�r att ge maximal nattfrid.

I samma rumskategori finns ocks� ett antal charmiga vindsrum . Alla rum har underbar utsikt, mot tr�dg�rdarna, parken eller vattnet, ett skrivbord med en komfortabel designf�t�lj. H�r finns ocks� modern lyx s� som uttag f�r laptop och mobiltelefon, tr�dl�st Internet, en 32" platt-tv och en dvd f�r romantisk filmkv�ll. I badrummet hittar man det unika Boffi-handfatet, produkter fr�n Byredo Parfums och dusch med integrerat ljus.

Helt enkelt ett mycket romantiskt hotell i Stockholm.


vandrarhem stockholm centralt

Romantik p� Visby hotell

I Visby kan n�stan inte ett hotell undg� att k�nnas romantiskt. Hela stan �r en enda stor romantisk kittel. Vackert och mysigt.

Hotell Visby ett super romantiskt hotell bel�get mitt i Visbys �ldsta delar, ett stenkast fr�n sm�b�tshamnen. Fastigheterna som ing�r i Hotel Visby har haft m�nga anv�ndningsomr�den. De byggdes som medeltida packhus och anv�ndes i slutet av 1600-talet som kronomagasin. Under samma tid fanns h�r en krog som hette Stadshusk�llaren Friheten. Namnet lever kvar idag hos hotellets n�rmaste ?granne? och samarbetspartner ? restaurang Friheten.

M�nga inredningsdetaljer i hotellet vittnar idag om husets historia som g�r tillbaka till medeltiden. H�r finns kryssvalvsrum och pelare mer �n 700 �r gamla.

I dessa lokaler har det drivits hotell sedan mitten av 1800-talet. Hela huset �r som ett stort museum, men samtidigt ett modernt fungerande hotell. F�r inte hade man v�l relaxavdelning redan p� 1800-talet?


vandrarhem söder i stockholm

fredag 16 september 2011

Crackpot theories about the end of the world as we know it

Nuclear FireballA while back while I was sitting on the beach with Charlie in the supposed paradise of Boracay Island, Philippines, I came up with a theory about when the next major US market meltdown (or meltup?) will occur. Usually we would have been picking up chicks but unfortunately that former island paradise is now overrun with ladyboys, prostitutes and fat Western tourists. So instead Charlie and I sat on the beach drinking $1 San Miguel Lights and discussing just what this crazy world is coming to.

In a nutshell, the theory that I came up with is that the time period between major US bear markets is decreasing at an exponential rate (give or take). This theory dovetails nicely with some other well supported theories as well as some of the indisputable facts of the times (i.e. rampant money printing). An exponential equation also seems like exactly the right way to describe what happens when a government prints too much currency and triggers hyper-inflation. The amount of stimulus becomes ever greater and ever more frequent because the more they print the less effect it has in stimulating the economy. All the while the value of the currency itself approaches zero but [arguably] never quite gets there. Although a logarithmic equation also nicely fits the data currency value nor time period between booms and busts can go significantly negative as that type of equation would predict. (You could argue that currency value goes slightly negative when the money literally becomes ?not worth the paper it?s printed on?).

Another body of work that I believe supports my hypothesis is that of author and inventor Ray Kurzweil which is well articulated in his books The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence and The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology. I highly recommend reading those books but to break it down for you in just a couple of sentences, Kurzweil postulates that exponentially shortening periods of time between major ?salient events? or paradigm shifts quite literally describe ?life, the universe and everything?. Some notable examples are the rate of development of both biological and artificial intelligence. I am hypothesizing a similar curve may also accurately describe the life cycle of a phony fiat currency / central banking regime such as the one that currently controls the US Dollar.

Lastly, this brief post by Tyler Durden on Zero Hedge that Charlie sent me the other day also seems to support my theory. In short, what it shows seems to be an exponential increase in ?black swan? or 4+ sigma events, which means 4 or more standard deviations from the norm. I think that is exactly what we would expect to see as this exponential downward spiral continues to accelerate at an ever increasing rate of speed.

Now that I have explained the background let?s get on to the methodology, the assumptions and the findings.

Methology: I used Excel to fit an exponential curve to the peaks and troughs of major US bear markets to measure the period of time between them.

Assumptions: A major US bear market is defined as greater than one year between peak and trough and a decline in value of 30% or more in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Therefore the major US bear markets began in 1929, 1973, 2000, and 2007. (The bear market of 1987 is clearly a major statistical outlier given it?s extremely short duration).

Findings: I believe the next major US bear market has already begun. I believe the peak occurred April 29, 2011, the trough is yet to occur and is predicted to occur around October 3, 2011 with the following trough occurring on or about October 9, 2012

Let?s get a few things straight though, this is not a Ph.D level dissertation, this is a crackpot theory dreamed up while drinking on the beach and was developed within the time constraints of the charge left in my laptop battery. I would prefer to have more data points and more time. I am not an economist, I?m a guy who likes to travel the world and drink cheap beer. I tried a number of different types of equations and also experimented with the possibility that April 29, 2011 was not a peak and that we have not yet reached the current peak. Ultimately I decided that an exponential equation was the best way to go and that April 29, 2011 was the peak of this cycle.

The known peaks: 9/3/1929, 1/5/1973, 1/14/2000, 10/12/2007, 4/29/2011* (* hypothesized)
The known troughs: 7/8/1932, 12/6/1974, 10/4/2002, 3/6/2009

That makes the time between peaks before major bear markets measured by the preceding peaks in the US was 44.25 years, 27 years, 7.75 years, and 3.5 years. See any pattern?

The equation: y = 143.68e-1.005x where y is the number of years between troughs and x is the sequence number of the crash. The first crash would be the crash of 1929 since that was the first crash under the current central banking regime established in 1913.

Crash Graph

This is junk science and I know it is. However, I think the general concept that booms and busts will become shorter and shorter will hold water. I think we can expect a trough sometime between now and next spring and I think we can expect the next peak within a year to 18 months at the outside after that if this doesn?t in fact turn out to be ?the last hurrah? we?re in already. It can?t be too much longer before the booms and busts are so close together it becomes difficult to discern them ? think Zimbabwe and adding zeroes to the currency on a routine basis.

If you haven?t already I think you better start rethinking your investments and escaping the western world immediately. Good luck!

No related posts.


vandrarhem centralt i stockholm